Google Apps Script to create a Google Doc for every meeting
After listening to Matt Mullenweg (co-founder of WordPress) on the Knowledge Project podcast over the Christmas break I was inspired to try something he mentioned. Matt said that at his …
Top 10 podcasts of 2020 – according to podcastnotes
A collection of outstanding podcast episodes released over 2020 from 10 James Nestor: The lost art of breath 9 Bitcoin has entered phase 5 When Plan released his …
Introduction to Google Colab
Colab is a free Jupyter notebook environment that runs entirely in the cloud. Most importantly, it does not require a setup and the notebooks that you create can be simultaneously …
October 2020 position
Sneaking this position in before the end of the month. Although if I had done this at the start of the month I would already be up ~30%. Position: Bitcoin …
Wanna Bet
Inspired by the books “Thinking in Bets” by Annie Duke , and “Skin in the game” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb each month I will place a $50 bet (or a …
Creating a Flask App on a subdomain
Background This website is hosted on Digital Ocean with WordPress. While WordPress is a great tool for building a website I wanted a place where I could build and host …
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius summary
Few people can continue to act unkindly to you if you act kind to them. Trusting people who are untrustworthy is an opportunity to reflect on yourself. Evil people exist …
A Basic Data Studio dashboard with Matomo Analytics data
This post walks through how to create a Data Studio dashboard like the one below using Matomo analytics data. The components used to put this together include: A Matomo installation …
Podcast Notes – 10 components for booting up a freelancer career
Matt Gartland the CFO and COO of Smart passive income shares his thoughts on what to do if you are interested in using this moment to start up a freelancing …