Taking a look back at how my exercise and workout routines went over the year. If you are interested in how I record all of these stats then check out this post.
2024 was a pretty good year overall for consistency in doing strength workouts. Some injuries in March, July and December meant that I had to take some breaks. Other than that on average was around 2 times per week minimum.

I was able to be much more consistent in 2024 compared with the year before. I was able to do more workouts per months for most of the months in 2024.
In total I completed 14 more workouts in 2024 compared with 2023 (89 vs 75 respectively).

In terms of exercise repetitions, I was able to do a total of 8% more reps in 2024 than 2023.
The large number of reps in the later part of 2023 was down to a switch in training style that was more circuit based. Essentially it was 10 press ups, 10 body weight rows and 10 squats as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes. The main workout style in 2024 was 5 sets of as many reps as possible with 20 seconds rest in between. Split across 4 or 5 exercises.

Cardio and mobility
I did over 22 hours of (recorded) physical activity in 2024, with the bulk of that being cycling.
Only 16 yoga sessions means I averaged one session a month! Definitely room for improvement.
Only 1 cardio swim session in the whole year is surprising, but I guess the data doesn’t lie. I will be making an effort to many more laps in the pool in 2025.